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Thank You Educators!

We know teachers, administrators, school counselors and support staff are carrying so much of society's mental health burdens every single day. We'd like to help you carry that burden by teaching you how to practice and also teach self-compassion in your classrooms and schools. We have presented two trainings at the Show Up For Teachers Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Those free trainings are below, along with our free curriculum for teachers. 


Teacher Training: Creating a Classroom of Compassion and Connection

Here is a voice recording of our Show Up For Teachers presentation fro 2023 and our slides (Keep scrolling for our 2022 presentation). You can follow along and learn our fun and science-backed

method for teaching self-compassion and mindfulness in any classroom setting.

00:00 / 39:46

Teacher Training: Being Kind to Yourself

Here is a video recording of our Show Up For Teachers presentation and our slides. You can follow along and learn how to embody self-compassion in your classroom. We teach you three basic steps to self-compassion and some simple tools to use when you're having a hard moment, day, season.


Resources for Teachers

Instagram: @mindfulartco



Resources for learning Self-compassion

- Common Kindness Podcast
- Coaching for individuals or groups of teachers, therapists, employees, family members, friends, etc.
- Self-Compassion Handbook written by Becky Farley and Candace Little
- Free Meditations for adults recorded by Becky Farley


Resources for teaching self-compassion to kids
- Kids video meditations recorded by Becky on our IG TV channel: Still LIke a Frog, Fuzzy Buddy Meditation,Bunny Breath Meditation
- Free kids meditations and stories recorded by Becky Farley

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