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Self-Compassion Handbook PDF - 6th Grade - Adults

This listing is for a printable PDF of our Self-Compassion Handbook, a great curriculum for students 6th grade and up. You may use our podcast Common Kindness as supplemental learning material.  The PDF will be emailed right away along with the meditation audio files. Print it off one page at a time, or the entire booklet at once.


When you download this item, you are agreeing to only use the handbook for teaching mindfulness and that you will never recreate or sell any image, writing, or audio file contatined in the product.


Do your students experience symptoms of depression or anxiety? Are they unkind to themselves or others? Do you wish to they felt more motivated or more satisfied with their daily lives? Then self-compassion can help. It's scientifically proven and we want to teach them (and you!) how.


This handbook teaches self-compassion and emotional responsibility through doodling, writing, mindfulness meditation, and personal reflection.  These pages and accompanying meditations will calm, uplift, and enlighten you as you learn what self-compassion looks like, feels like, and sounds like--and how it can become a leading voice in your life. 


After completing this handbook, you and your students will have your own, personalized meditation phrases that will become calming and empowering anchors in your everyday life. 


This handbook is written by Becky Farley and Candace Little of Mindful Art Company. We are an aunt and niece team, who have taught thousands of people how to make self-compassion a part of their lives. Becky is a trained Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher and has been studying intensely with experts in the field. Candace is a trained mother of 4 who uses self-compassion and mindfulness every single day. 

Included In Your Free Download:

 + 10 self-compassion meditation audio files, written and recorded by Becky Farley

 + 50-page Self-Compassion Handbook to guide our discussions on the podcast, or without listening. This is also a tool you can use throughout your life. 


Upon checking out, you will receive an email with a link to download the files. This link lasts for 30 days.


Self-Compassion Handbook PDF - 6th Grade - Adults

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