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Discover the three steps of self-compassion and how you can use them during any challenging moment To turn your fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and other strong emotions into your friends and teachers. Build better connections, become less distracted, less reactive and enjoy living a more intentional life.
(without ever wondering how you are going to face your next hard moment or emotion.)
Most people wish their hard emotions would just disappear, but...
ONLY self-empowered people know how to use the three steps to take care and take charge of ALL their emotions.
Many past students look to Becky’s engaging and life-changing lessons to help them become more mindful, set better boundaries, and become more productive without being hard on themselves or believing the negative self-talk. Here's what a few of them have said.
"This class opened up my mind to a new way of thinking. I realized how much I was missing when it came to caring for myself. This class helped give me the tools to start on my self-compassion journey."
"Learning mindfulness and self-compassion with Becky brought me out of a world of gray into a world of color where I am beginning to hear and understand my inner-voice as a new friend. I feel more alive! I am passing through my life with beautiful memories instead of allowing my life to pass through me."
"This class helped me stop and think about my life as it is today, right now, the present. More so than ever before I felt a need to feel grounded in the moment and this class helped me understand better who and why I am who I am, and how I can take better care of myself. Thank you!"
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